I dare say, most families have long-established Christmas traditions. For some, Elf on the Shelf highlights the holiday season as it reports back to Santa if your child has or, perhaps, has not been of exemplary behavior. For others the tradition may consist of simply curling up in front of the fireplace and watching Elf, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, A Christmas Story or another holiday favorite.
For my wife, during her childhood years, putting out cookies and milk for Santa Claus was an annual tradition that was not to be ignored.
At our house, tradition revolves around a Christmas Eve dinner that includes – amongst a feast of other delectables – ham balls (for my older brother) and a peppermint fudge ice cream dessert (my favorite). And who can forget the Chicken in a Bisket crackers with cheese that is stored in a brown, ceramic cheese pot crock for all to devour with punch after the presents have been opened.

A Pickle Ornament that Has Nothing to do with Pickleball
For the last several years we have had a pickle ornament – an ornament in the shape of a pickle – hanging inconspicuously on our miniature Christmas tree throughout the holiday season. This easily camouflaged ornament amongst the tree branches was undoubtedly given to us by a friend or family member who knew we loved the sport of pickleball.
Afterall, even though it is personally cringe-worthy, a pickle/cucumber themed gift is seemingly a preferred gift-of-choice given to those of us who play the sport. The pickle ornament is, unquestionably, a cute addition to the tree, particularly as it complements other pickleball-related ornaments and decorations.
However, it wasn’t until recently that we came to know the “real reason” why some people – even those who have no association with the fastest growing sport – hang ornaments that look like pickles on their Christmas trees. Unbeknownst to us, the tradition dubbed the Christmas Pickle,” is evidently a Christmas tradition celebrated by many.
The following morning, on Christmas morning, the child who finds the pickle first is rewarded. Perhaps they open the first present. Perhaps they are rewarded by playing Santa and handing out all the presents. Maybe they receive an extra present. The reward is simply whatever family tradition dictates.
The Christmas Pickle Ornament Origin
While most conjecture that the origin of the Christmas pickle ornament tradition has roots in Germany, it’s certainly not certain. Nevertheless, the tradition remains popular in areas in which there is a large contingency of German immigrants. Berrien Springs, Michigan, for example, home to a large number of German immigrants, is known as the Christmas Pickle Capital of the World. The Chistmas Pickle ornament tradition there is, no doubt, alive-and-well.
Let us know in the comments below if this is a tradition in which your family participates. Now go get your pickle ornament and get ready to hide it inconspicuously within the branches on Christmas Eve.
See you on the courts.

About Todd
Todd is the talent behind PickleballMAX. He knows pickleball and demonstrates it on the court as a 4.5 – 5.0 player. In addition to creating content and running the PickleballMAX business, Todd is IPTPA Level II certified. As an instructor at the Ohio Pickleball Academy, he instructs students and runs adult and youth clinics. He also manages tournament desks throughout the tri state for tournaments ranging from 100-500 participants.