Evaluators still rank Royals farm system near bottom of baseball

Evaluators still rank Royals farm system near bottom of baseball

The Royals farm system is making slow progress, but according to organizational rankings from evaluators this month, it still ranks near the bottom of baseball. Baseball America, ESPN, and The Athletic all released farm system rankings, with the Royals finishing among the bottom ten teams in each ranking. Baseball America ranks the Royals #27, with … Read more

Nationals prospects: Kevin Bazzell is a sleeper to watch in the Nats system

Nationals prospects: Kevin Bazzell is a sleeper to watch in the Nats system

Kevin Bazzell, the Nationals third round pick in the 2024 draft is one of the most fun sleepers in the system. He has a unique profile and skillset, which I believe will eventually help him carve out a big league role. For me, that role will be a backup catcher that can also play a … Read more

The Royals need something extra out of their farm system this time around

The Royals need something extra out of their farm system this time around

Quiz time! First (and only) question: why did the Kansas City Royals never make it back to the playoffs with their core after winning the 2015 World Series? There are a lot of semi-correct answers on this one. I’ll take “poor free agent spending,” “bad trades,” and “injury luck” for partial credit. But there’s only … Read more