Pickleball has existed since 1965; however, its popularity has really gained traction across the United States over the past 10 years. More recently, the sport has continued its tremendous growth across the U.S. and has even started to grow worldwide!
Over the past few years, The Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) has released annual Pickleball Statistics to confirm the growth. Recently, they unveiled the 2024 State of Pickleball: Participation & Infrastructure Report.
Fastest Growing Sport (Again)!
For the third year in a row, pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in America, according to SFIA’s Topline Participation Report. Pickleball has grown 51.8% from 2022 to 2023, and an incredible 223.5% in three years!
It is interesting to note that pickleball continues to appeal to a younger audience. What was once viewed as a sport for seniors has now become the hip sport for a younger generation. According to SFIA’s findings, players within the 25-34 age range had the most participants – 2.3 million people. Pickleball also added over 1 million players under the age of 18 from 2022 to 2023. More and more schools are offering the sport as part of their physical education.

Colleges are also beginning to incorporate pickleball clubs on their campuses. For example, Michigan State University has a travel team and a social club. Their club has grown exponentially in just a short period. They had so many students try out for the team that they had to split tryout sessions. In addition to their travel team, they have a social club that gives players an option to mingle with other students and play for leisure.
The popularity of the sport for the younger generation may be attributed to the growth in professional pickleball. Many pros are in their 20s with the top female player still in her teens. Additionally, the social aspect of pickleball is a big draw.
More Courts Needed
The entire United States saw participation growth in 2023 with a 50% increase compared to 2022 in the South Atlantic region. With the growth has come the need for more courts. 2024 has seen a 55% growth year-over-year in the number of dedicated pickleball facilities built.
Dedicated courts are being built in parks, and added at rec centers and tennis facilities. They are being constructed both outdoors and indoors. In addition to adding courts to existing venues, 2024 brought many new dedicated pickleball facilities. Some are franchises. Some include restaurants, or other fun activities included with pickleball.
>>For a list of “Cool” Pickleball Venues, Check out Pickleball User Reviews<<
Even with all of the courts that were added in 2024, the number still lags behind player demand quite substantially. In the coming years, we will see many more courts popping up.
With professional tours continuing to play across the U.S. and being broadcast on major sports television networks, the sport will continue to be introduced to new players. In 2025, pro tours will also be playing internationally to grow that audience.
Recently, the International Olympic Committee officially recognized pickleball as a sport eligible for Olympic competition. The IOC’s endorsement should further elevate the sport on the global stage.
It’s exciting to see the growth that pickleball has taken over the past few years as it continues to dominate as the country’s fastest-growing sport. And it’s exciting to see the trend that the sport continues to be on. As more young people continue to become involved and participate in the sport, it looks like pickleball has a bright future.

About Teresa
Teresa is the idea-maker behind PickleballMAX. Teresa joins Todd to manage and market PickleballMAX. She creates pickleball content and assists with pickleball tournaments. In 2023, she wrote a pickleball devotional book titled Pickleball Is [Not] Life.