Atlanta Braves SB Nation reacts results: Braves should go after starting pitcher

Earlier this week while there was still plenty of excitement surrounding the Jurickson Profar deal, I came to y’all with a very simple question and put it to y’all in the form of an SB Nation Reacts Survey: Which position should the Atlanta Braves address next?

Of the three options that were available, there was one very clear winner here: Starting pitcher. 55 percent of y’all voted for starting pitcher in the survey, which makes it very clear which direction y’all want the Braves to move in next.

Here are the full results:

There’s a clear winner, here!
SB Nation

It’s also a bit interesting to see how everybody has adjusted to the market and the circumstances. Back at the beginning of the offseason, we asked which position that y’all wanted to see the Braves upgrade the most and back then, shortstop won with 61 percent of the vote while starting pitcher only received 24 percent of the vote. Things can change very quickly over the course of an offseason — even if it feels like the Braves took an age-and-a-half to finally make a major addition to their big league squad this offseason.

Big thanks to everybody who took part in the survey and we’ll definitely be doing this again in the future so keep a look out and stay tuned!

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