Uecker, Admirals had lasting bond | TheAHL.com

Uecker, Admirals had lasting bond | TheAHL.com

Patrick Williams, TheAHL.com Features Writer Baseball. Beer commercials and late-night television. Major League and Mr. Belvedere. Bob Uecker became a pop-culture fixture to multiple generations, going from a back-up catcher to a broadcaster, pitchman and actor, among many wide-ranging roles. Add the Milwaukee Admirals to that list as well. When it came to a self-described … Read more

Five ways Bob Uecker made himself an American icon

Five ways Bob Uecker made himself an American icon

Major League Baseball lost one of its leading voices on Thursday when Milwaukee Brewers play-by-play announcer Bob Uecker passed away at the age of 90. There were many layers to Uecker, but they all centered around baseball. Here are five ways he endeared himself to Americans. Broadcaster Like Vin Scully, Uecker was gifted with a … Read more