USA Pickleball is committed to upholding the integrity of paddle certification through rigorous, standardized testing procedures to ensure fair play and compliance with established performance thresholds.
Regarding the certification status of the Ronbus Ripple.R1.14 PBCoR.43, paddles initially provided for PBCoR testing were beta samples, not final production paddles. USA Pickleball received no production samples for certification until explicitly requested. As a result, the Ripple.R1.14 PBCoR.43 paddle has not been fully certified by USA Pickleball and should not be represented as such.
While Ronbus has conducted internal testing and seeded prototype models with influencers and paddle reviewers, these beta units do not constitute fully certified products. USA Pickleball’s independent testing, conducted in partnership with Element US Space and Defense, revealed that the production paddles submitted for final certification did not pass PBCoR testing.
Reviewers and consumers should be aware that any prototype or pre-certification product should not display the USA Pickleball “Approved” seal unless it has successfully completed the full suite of certification tests.
USA Pickleball remains committed to working with manufacturers to ensure fair and transparent testing protocols. Any paddle seeking full certification must pass all required tests before being officially listed on the USA Pickleball website as an approved product.
For the most up-to-date list of USA Pickleball-approved equipment, please visit