New Feature: Folders – Organize Content Your Way!

IHS is excited to introduce Folders, a brand-new feature designed to help organize content anyway you want!

With Folders, you can now easily organize IHS content, and your content into folders that make sense for you. Create Folders for teams, themes, full season curriculums, favorite content, camps, players, private sessions, parent guides, coach education or anything you want. There is no limit on how you can now organize your favorite content.

Whether you’re preparing for the season or gathering ideas for future sessions, Folders give you the flexibility to keep everything in one place—your way. Learn how to use folders in the video or screenshots below.

Learn How To Use Folders

Below is a short demo video on how you can set up and use folders.

Folders Screenshots

Access your folders by clicking the “Folders” link in the “My Content” dropdown.


Add Custom Folders

From there you can view your folders or click “Add Folder” to add a new folder. As you can see, you can start to categorize and organize content anyway you see fit.



Add Content to Folders

One you have your folders created, you can now see the “Add to Folders” button above every piece of content on the site: Drills, Practices, Skills, Systems, Coaching Clips, Off-Ice Exercises, Coach Education Videos, Blogs, etc.



Select Folder to Add Content

4) When you click the “Add to Folders” button, a popup will appear with the folders you have created. You can click “+ Add” or “Remove” to add content to a folder, or remove it from a folder. 



Add IHS Content & Your Own Content to Folders

5) The new “Add to Folders” button is also displayed in your libraries. So now you can easily organize IHS content and content you created – anyway you like!



Create Folders For Your Association

If you have an IHS For Associations Membership, directors will see that the folders they create will appear in the Association Library for the whole association to view. Keep the Coaches, Players and Parents all on the same page with Folders.

We hope you enjoy this new feature. We plan to build it out more in the coming months and years. If you have any questions or immediate feedback for us please contact us anytime!

– The Team at IHS

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